16 Febrúar 2018 12:29

Í dag 16. febrúar 2018 eru 100 ár liðin frá undirritun sjálfstæðisyfirlýsingar Litháen. Í tilefni þess og vegna samstarfs lögreglu landanna færði Litháíska lögreglan ríkislögreglustjóra sérstaka viðurkenningu. Í bréfi Rimantas Bobinas, ríkislögreglustjóra segir meðal annars:

With this letter I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the continuing cooperation between the Icelandic and the Lithuanian Police. Our fruitful cooperation has been evolving in diverse forms and spheres, aiming to sustain stronger relations of our Services in Northern Europe.

This year is of exceptional importance for the Republic of Lithuania — on 16 February our country is celebrating a Centenary of the Restoration of its Independence. It is not merely a historic fact, by signing the Act of Independence in 1918, the Lithuanian people expressed their strong determination to take the responsibility of their State in their own hands. It was an enormous step forward for the development of independent Lithuania.

In the context of this festive event people of our country cannot forget that in 1991 the Icelandic Government was the very first in the whole world to acknowledge the re-establishment of the Lithuanian Independence. This contributed to the creation of very special bonds between our States, the ones nobody could ever tear apart. Let me, as a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania, once again extend my warmest gratitude to your State for supporting Lithuania in such a significant moment of its history.

Andzejus Roginskis, Haraldur Johannessen, Edvardas Sileris, Jón F. Bjartmarz